Coaching for Individuals

Start minding your own business

If you want to grow, dig deeper

The goal of Laavu's Psychological Coaching is to enhance your performance and well-being - and act before the shit hits the fan.
of Laavu's members say coaching has improved their wellbeing
Says coaching has improved
their self-knowledge
Says coaching has lowered
their stress levels
Says coaching has improved
their ability to think

What you can expect from Laavu's membership

In-depth self-reflection

Together with your coach you will dig deep into your feelings, thoughts, values, and needs. Self-reflection is your most important tool when building psychological performance.

Finding clarity, context and consistency

Your coach will bring clarity to your thoughts by asking insightful questions and offering you insights from the latest research in psychology.

Enhancing self-efficacy and personal growth

Your coach won't provide you with answers; instead, they'll guide you to discover solutions on your own. This approach is vital because, just like your abs, your mind can only be developed when used!

Establishing concrete goals and actionable plans

Throughout your Psychological Coaching sessions, you will set concrete steps in order to achieve your goals. Your coach will act as your dedicated accountability partner every step of the way.

Hear directly from our members

“When I leave the coaching meetings, I feel good and relieved. The best thing is that I get to vent openly, and someone is there to listen to what I have to say! Coaching is a bit like a hobby for me. In the same way that I take care of my physical well-being, at Laavu I have a professional taking care of the mental side. It's great to regularly structure and spar your thoughts with a professional who truly understands the context I'm living in. Laavu's approach is really fresh and effective. I have recommended their coaching to many friends!"

Juhana Rintala

Juhana Rintala

Co-Founder & CEO, Ruokaboksi

Laavu's Psychological Coaching has provided me with tools to address matters that I encounter when running a business and working with people. Through these coaching sessions, I am able to allocate dedicated time to work on solutions to the challenges and pressures related to building a company. When it comes to the collaboration between me and my coach, I truly appreciate the seamless and direct communication. I am particularly impressed by my coach's ability to ask the right questions and guide the conversation to productive directions. They do a great job in connecting the dots. For instance, they often inquire if a current problem could be related to our previous discussions, further enhancing the efficiency of the coaching process.

Johanna Rantanen

Johanna Rantanen

Managing Director, Dottir

"From the start, I have seen coaching as a long-term project of continuous development. It has given me tools to analyse and unravel challenging issues and practical insights that help me improve my work and my resilience. Whenever something is preoccupying my mind, my coach helps me delve deeper into the causes of the problem and find ways to solve and prevent it in the future. Sometimes I wonder how to find time for coaching in the middle of a busy week, but after each coaching session, I’m happy that I decided to take the time for it."

Henri Lindgren

Henri Lindgren

CEO, Lightneer

What drew me to Laavu's Psychological Coaching is the fact I'm familiar with the context as a startup founder, like many other of your clients. Right from the very first session, my relationship with my coach has been effortless, and the atmosphere in our coaching sessions is warm and accepting. I find it comfortable to share things I, in my everyday life, couldn't share with anyone. During my time with Laavu, I've learnt self-acceptance, -reflection, stress management skills, and how to distance myself. As a result, I'm now less stressed and more balanced. The impact of Laavu's coaching extends beyond just my personal growth; it has a positive impact on my company, too..

Aleksi Löytynoja

Aleksi Löytynoja

Co-Founder & CEO, Kleoverse

"I’ve been really satisfied with Laavu’s coaching and I feel I have developed as a person because of it. Talking to someone about things that you don’t usually consider, already brings the added value. My coach knows how to ask the right questions, and encourages me to come up with solutions myself. The topics of the meetings may vary a lot, but I always have more energy after the discussion than before. In addition, I always have a concrete idea or action in mind that I can work on next."

Jaakko Harlas

Jaakko Harlas

Developer Relations Lead, Supercell

"Laavu facilitated a valuable workshop for our team on collaboration and working methods. We focused on many concrete tools and methods for topics such as communication and how to share feedback. Working with Laavu took us toward a better working team. We were happy with Laavu’s service for several reasons. First, they were efficient in their actions and provided us with a well-thought-out proposal. The digital tools used in the workshop provided a great way to engage our whole team. In addition, we were impressed with Laavu’s professionalism and expertise that combines psychology and business. Throughout the collaboration, we felt we were in capable hands. The whole experience reflected that Laavu is an ambitious and growth-minded company."

Elina Kajosaari

Elina Kajosaari

Chief Commercial Officer, Sulapac

Read more testimonials

Laavu Membership Pricing



€540 / Month (+VAT)

€450 / Month (+VAT)

For most business leaders this is optimal.

  • 2 x 55min Coaching sessions
  • Chat support between sessions
  • Access to a digital platform
    with curated content
    and development tracking
  • Comprehensive tools
    and assessments
  • Exclusive access to the Laavu library
Book your free trial


€900 / Month (+VAT)

€750 / Month (+VAT)

For those who are eager to grow fast.

  • 4 x 55min Coaching sessions
  • Ongoing chat support between sessions
  • Access to a digital platform
    with curated content
    and development tracking
  • Comprehensive tools
    and assessments
  • Exclusive access to the Laavu library
Book your free trial