
How to Set Goals for New Year

As we are wrapping up this year and taking some time to rest and recover before jumping into the next one, it's a great time to pause, reflect, and set the stage for an even more spectacular year ahead. In this article, I'll share 4 tips and tools on how to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year. 

Lotta Tiitto
March 18, 2024
Written by
Lotta Tiitto
Table of contents
How to Set Goals for New Year

New Year - Same old goals? Learn how to actually implement changes in 2024.

As we are wrapping up this year and taking some time to rest and recover before jumping into the next one, it's a great time to pause, reflect, and set the stage for an even more spectacular year ahead. In this article, I'll share 4 tips and tools on how to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year. 

Reflecting on the Past Year: The Ups, the Downs, and Everything In Between

In order to set yourself up for success, let's start with an in-depth analysis of the past year. What were your goals this year, and how well did you achieve them? What were the areas of life where everything was going great, and where did you struggle? 

When looking back at your year, don't just rely on your memory, but use some documentation to see what has actually happened.

Whether it's scrolling through your calendar or your camera roll, try to identify how different phases and events of the year make you feel. Is there something you look back on longingly, wishing you had more of it? Or if looking back at your average work week makes you feel out of breath, are there maybe some adjustments to be made?

To learn from your past mistakes rather than repeat them, reflect on your successes and failures. I mean, truly reflect on them and try to identify the key factors.

The most common mistake is to return to the same goal and same action plan over and over again, blaming your failure on your lack of self-discipline or maybe some external factors that always come in the way of reaching your goal. The truth is that if it didn't work the past three times, it is unlikely to work this time, either. 

Setting Goals for the Upcoming Year: One Priority to Rule Them All

Now that you've reflected on the past year, it's time to set sail for the future. Start by defining one, I repeat, just ONE top priority, preferably one that aligns with your core values.

Then, think of a goal related to that priority that not only excites you but also challenges you. I know it can be very tempting to add just a few other priorities, but I guarantee that being strict here will significantly improve your chances of succeeding with your goal. When times get tough, and they will, as you know, it helps to have just one top priority to hold on to while being more flexible with the other priorities.

When setting your goals, think about actions, not visions. Instead of saying, "Have a better work-life balance," commit to something concrete like "Leave work by 6 pm every day." Consider also what sacrifices you'll need to make.

How much time does your goal require each week or day?

What do you have to give up on to make that time for it?

What kind of changes do you need to make in your day-to-day life, and are you genuinely willing to make them?

No journey to goal achievement is a straight line of continuous success and improvement. Anticipate potential obstacles on your journey and develop strategies to conquer them. 

Seek Accountability in Yourself or Others

Make sure to measure your progress regularly – after all, what gets measured gets managed. As long as you have defined your goal in actions and made it specific enough, quantifying your progress shouldn't be too difficult.

And don't forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Your brain craves those "yay, I did it!" moments to rewire behaviour patterns.

Here's a tidbit: Did you know that sharing your goals with someone can decrease the likelihood of reaching them? This can especially happen if the other person provides positive validation for your plan and states their belief in you. It can trick your motivation system into thinking that you already achieved something and got praise for it.

Rather, share the goal with someone who is not just your cheerleader but actually checks in on you and holds you accountable.

Review, Reflect, and Adjust

Schedule weekly or biweekly moments to reflect on your journey and adapt your approach based on what's working and what's not. Remember, self-discipline is just one of the tools in your toolbox, and if it is not working, you need to find another tool! 

As situations change and life unfolds, it may also be necessary to make adjustments to your goal. If your current life circumstances make it impossible to achieve the goal in the way you initially defined, be prepared to be flexible and consider how to work toward your goal in the present situation.

A snail moving slowly but steadily in the right direction will beat a rabbit bouncing back and forth.

Here are the four (4) steps to successful goal-setting:

1. Reflect on the Past Year

Analyze past year's experiences and learn from successes and failures.

2. Prioritize Your Goals for the Upcoming Year

Choose one top priority, set specific action-based goals, and anticipate obstacles.

3. Seek Accountability

Measure progress, celebrate victories, and share goals with someone who holds you accountable.

4. Review and Adjust

Schedule regular reflection, adapt strategies based on progress, and be flexible in adjusting goals as needed.

Interested to read more about the topic? Read Lotta's popular article about how to master to your routines after the holidays HERE.